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The origins
of the Genius.

Leonardo da Vinci S.p.A. was created as a union of Italian wineries, all of whom share the same vision: promoting the history of the region and its excellence in wine-making by uniting culture with enogastronomy, in line with the teachings of Da Vinci, a Genius of wine. Since 2018, we have been dedicated to rediscovering, recovering and spreading the word of Leonardo Da Vinci's scientific research on wine, with the aim of writing a modern version of his method and creating wines of superior quality, under the name of Leonardo Da Vinci..

the intuitions
of a Genius.

The “Metodo Leonardo®” (Leonardo Method) started as a philological study, inspired by Leonardo Da Vinci's cultural legacy in wine-making. Throughout his life and on his travels, Da Vinci studied how to create quality wines, observing natural phenomena and inventing techniques that improved the ripening and vinification processes. After years of dedicated research and historical reconstruction, we have brought his work back to life with the creation of a modern Metodo Leonardo®. Now that we have updated it, we guard it jealously, as it is the key to the quality and flavour of our collections.